Welcome back! 
We are now slowly approaching my second most favorite holiday of the year; Halloween! Soon all of the front yards in the neighborhood will be full of creepy decorations, stores will be selling discounted candy in bulk, colleagues at work will be talking about the costume they plan on wearing for the office party and (my personal favorite) every channel on television will be having their own Horror Movie Marathon!
Happy Halloween!
In spirit of the season, I decided to have the theme of every single one of my posts this month be inspired by Halloween or Horror. From book reviews to writing games, everything will have a hint of ghoulish ghosts, creepy caves and surprise scares! But no pumpkin spice, that stuff is just over used.
Speaking of posts, as I mentioned a couple of months ago, my plan was to having one post of each type per month (By the Book, Inspiration, Current Projects, etc). I began looking into a schedule for my blogging, trying to upload new content at different hours of the day to optimize the traffic to my website. Also, I began rehashing some of my older posts in order to bring attention to them again. This has proven useful to fill in gaps in between new content posts. After trying this for a month, I find that not only do I feel less rushed to dish out content, but it gives me more time to plan ahead (like coming up with Halloween themed content!). Traffic to my site has also jumped up from +/- 400 views in a month to +/- 600. So it appears to be working.
In regards to my work with Missing Worlds Media, the Villain Path that was assigned to me is now completed, edited and submitted for final review to the Continuity Department. Since then I have gone back to writing NPCs (“Non Player Characters” for the non-gamers out there), and have written up a new character intended to be a detective for the in-game police force. His name was mentioned in short stories on the MWM Kickstarter page, but my job was to “flesh” him out and give him a background. This character’s profile has been completed, and was submitted for review in late September.
As for my own projects, I’ve chipped away at multiple documents, slowly creating the world my story takes place in. I have worked on my “Magic versus Technology” file, further exploring the levels of magic and science in the world I am creating, as well as writing a history for the secret agency named the Cerberus Initiative, which will play a big role in the story. But most importantly, I started a new document this month that I have called the Timeline Crossing Chart. I got the inspiration for this document after reading some news articles on J.K Rowling (the author behind Harry Potter). The chart helps me keep track of characters and ideas in my story, and proved so useful that it helped me get another five chapters planned out. It is so useful, that I may have a post explaining the importance of having a Timeline Crossing Chart in the future.
One last thought for this update. I have been debating all month taking another writing class. More specifically, the James Patterson Masterclass. I have been seeing it advertised all over the web lately, and keep asking myself if I should take it. I’ve tried alternatives, like listening to interviews or seminars, but I can’t shake the feeling that I am missing out by not taking this class. It’s not that expensive, but with a tight budget, I’m still debating it’s necessity. If anyone has any details about this class, please send me a message.
In closing, I would just like to let everyone know how much I appreciate their support and for taking the time our of their busy lives to come read my blog. And a special thank you to Andy Peloquin and catt dahman for their feedback and interview.
Thank you all again,
Until next time,
Patrick Osborne
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