Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! This is my journey, my first steps into the world of fictional writing. This blog is an online journal of sorts, where I share the progress of my work as well as what I have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy your time with me and that my experience may be of some use to you.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Current Projects Part 5

Welcome back!

        Time for another update on what I have been up to lately. In today’s “Current Projects”, I have several things to cover. This past month has been about trying new things and taking new approaches to writing.

        One of the things I have found myself struggling with lately is time management. Between work, volunteering, writing, blogging and taking care of business around the house, I am left with little time to myself. So I have tried my best to juggle my schedule in order to maximize the amount of work I can get done. Recently I had the opportunity to talk to a good friend of mine whom I hadn’t seen in a while. His advice was to give myself deadlines, this way it holds me accountable and motivates me to get stuff done on time. I can’t say I see that as a possibility right now, but I don’t know if that uncertainty is based off of my insecurity or lack of experience. It is something I will need to work on for sure.

I have made a few tweaks to my blog over this past month. For example, modifying the placement of ads or implementing new pages in order to facilitate finding information. It is still a work in progress, but I should have several pages up and running by the end of this month. Currently I have 2 pages up; the Book Review Page and the Boot Camp Page. These pages, along with future ones, will contain links which will guide you to the original post. I trust my readers will find them helpful and easy to navigate. The app displaying these pages can be found on the right side on my blog.

Another thing that has been added is the new “Inspiration” posts. These posts will be about my explorations to new or deserted areas, people I have met or events I have participated in. The purpose is to share these real world elements to serve as inspiration for stories. I currently have one posted already from my trip to Merrickville, and have several more banked for future months. I also have two trips planned later this summer for blog posts; the Greek Exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Arts and a trip to Chicago. So looking forward to them!

Regarding my work with Missing Worlds Media, I have just finished working on the storyline project for villainous characters! I will be editing later this week, then will be ready to submit for review. The way I described the process may sound boring, but it is a lot more interesting than it seems.

As for my own work, I have almost completed my list (a.k.a. Backbonetm). The only section that remains to be filled out is the plot line. Before doing so, I want to complete my character sheets. This is to help me get a clear idea of the players before ironing out the plot. I started with my main character first… and what a challenge he is turning out to be! In order to make him credible, I need to pay close attention to his timeline, which is requiring tons of research. Oh, did I mention said character is an immortal and has been alive since 1600 BC? So ya, lots of research on history.

        Finally, I have been working on building a vocabulary bank. Basically, it is a database of adjectives and verbs separated by theme, tone or mood. Being french, this english vocabulary word bank was more necessary than I thought. This will come in handing when I actually start writing my story.

        That is all I have for this month. These “Current Updates” posts have proven to be more motivating than I expected, as it shows me that I made more progress than I realised. I hope they have been motivating to others as well.

Until next time,


Patrick Osborne

(edited on 2016-01-08)

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